Contributing Guidelines

This document details the process you should follow when contributing code to any Nice project.

Contributing to a Nice project

The master branch contains active development. It should be considered unstable. Versions are tagged in each project's repository.

Step by step

1. Fork this repository.

Fork the repository on GitHub.

2. Clone the repository and checkout the master branch.

Change nice-framework below to whichever project you are working on: nice-twig, nice-security, etc.

git clone [email protected]/path/to/your/fork nice-framework
cd nice-framework
git checkout master

3. Create a new branch.

git checkout -b new-and-awesome

4. Implement the feature, publish your feature branch to your forked repository.

git add .
git commit -m "Made some changes"
git push origin new-and-awesome

5. Create a pull request from your feature branch to the master branch of this project.

From your repository on the GitHub interface, click the pull request button. Select your feature branch and ensure the master branch of the Nice project you're contributing to is selected.

Additional Info

All Nice projects follow Semantic Versioning.

Contributing to Nice documentation

Coming soon.

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